This year Em turned 5. I cant believe how old she is and that she will be going to school this year. She has grown up so much and is such a big help.
5 things about Emilee are
-She is learning to play piano
-She is starting to read and can write the names of most of the family members including all her aunts and uncles
-She has taken over taking care of the dog and cats and usually remembers without help
-She is a great big sister and is always looking out for Jake and cant wait to help with the new baby
-She loves to draw and color
We had a family get together for her birthday and she had a great time hanging out with all the fam and the girls came down from Pokey so that was really exciting for her.
We got Emilee a more grown up camera for her birthday and she has loved it. We have pictures of all sort of things and are constantly getting a camera in our faces.
Happy Birthday Emmy!