Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend at the Coast

This weekend Allison had to go to Portland for a softball tournament so Sam, Dani, and I went along. We left Thursday night around midnight and drove all night so we could spend the day at the beach. We started out at the beach at Tillamook. It was stormy but it was the ocean.

Ater checking out the ocean we went to breakfast and to the Cheese Factory. What could be better then ice cream at eight in the morning.

Dad told us about a cave to a separate beach not far from Tillamook so we went and checked that out. It did get scary when the rocks started falling from the cliff above us.

This was what we had to hike up to get back to the car. After spending some time there we went to Cannon Beach and hung out. We were going to meet Diane and Beck there so I could go home with them for a few days while the tournament was going on. By the time we got there it was raining and we were so wet we decided to swim in the ocean. It was so cold but fun.

After Mos we went to Seaside and shopped for a while. It was a great day at the beach followed by a fantastic time at Diane and Becks. And on Sunday while in Portland I got to go to IKEA. I love IKEA. It is my favorite store! It was so much fun to walk around and pick up a few things.
The girls tournament ended around 4 so we met up and started the drive home.
We did stop at the falls outside of Portland and snapped a few shots.

The ride home got a little crazy with all of us running on little sleep. But with me and Danis lead feet we got home in no time at all. Sam did keep us entertained though!

Heres to many more girls weekends! Hopefully with all of us. We missed Becky, Val, and Tricha(specially at the cheese factory!)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Donna Kay

Today I went with Mike and Paula and Dad to Pocatello. Mike drew a moose tag for the area and decided to drive up to check it out and while we were there we stopped by to visit with Donna. It was the first time I have seen her in 2 years and she looks great!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

5 years and counting.....

This last weekend William and I celebrated our 5th anniversary. We started out Friday nite with our dinner at the Mona Lisa, which was fantastic! While eating Will surprised me with a nite at the Anniversary Inn. We stayed in the Fire and Ice room.

The bathtub was amazing

The thing Will didn't know was that I had already planned a weekend in Stanley so we got up Saturday and headed up to the mountains.

The mountians were beautiful! The plan was to go float tubing but with the rain we scratched that. We did go to the museum and walk thru some gift shops. Then we checked in the cabin and got to watch the rain falling into the river for a while. There were cows in the field across the river and they mooed all nite long.

Our view from the porch.

We did try to do some exploring but once we saw this start of a landslide on the side of the road we were done. It was a little to scary, especially with the storm that passed thru.

The river was pretty high, usually the tub is not sitting in water.

We did get to go shooting on Sunday before we headed home and that was really fun. We borrowed Dads .22 pistol and tried that out. Will hit a few whistle pigs but I could only get the cans on a log. All in all it was a great weekend. Heres to many more to come!

Happy Graduation Trica

This year was Tricas year and this last week she graduated from Borah. I cant believe how much Wills sisters have grown over the years. When I met them Trica was 12 and now she is all grown up. We are so proud of her!

Wills Siblings who have graduated from Borah. Trica, Sam, Al, Val, Joe, and Will.

On a side note this is the first time in a while that all the siblings are together in the treasure valley, at least til school starts again so we are enjoying that while it lasts. This was the first picture with all of us since right after Jake was born.

Work in Progress

The one tree in our backyard had a bug and was half dead so we decided it was time to get it out before it fell and did some damage. We seem to get alot of wind out here and it was right on the edge of the property and within falling distance of the neighbors house. Will and Beau thought that they could pull it down with the truck but they ended up having to cut it down.

Our backyard is such a work in progress! One thing at a time though. At least the garden is up and growing!