Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Jakers!

Tomorrow Jake will be four. The last year has been great watching him grow and become a big brother. He is always quick to respond to Levi and can usually make him smile. He is a wonderful son and we are lucky that Heavenly Father blessed us with his sweet spirit!

Four things about Jake:
1. He loves Green Beans and is so excited to have Spaghetti, Meatballs, and Green Beans for dinner tomorrow.
2. He is a big help with Levi now that Emilee is in school and plays with him so I can get stuff done in the mornings.
3. He loves tools and fixing things. I have had to screw stuff back into the wall that he has taken off to "fix".
4. He cant wait to be big enough to go hunting with Dad. He wanted to be a hunter for Halloween this year but could not convince Emilee to go as his deer.

Happy Birthday Jake! We love you!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Blog!

Just in case you missed the announcement on Facebook or the link in the corner of the blog, we are starting a new blog to showcase my cakes and get my contact information out there. So.... If you are looking for a cake or know someone who is the address is:

Let me know what you think!

Little Levi

Levi is growing so fast! He goes to the Doctor for his 4 month check at the end of the month and I will post stats when I get them. He is such a great baby! He sleeps from around 10-11ish every nite til around 8 when we wake up to start getting Em ready for school. He is so happy and content too. He does have teeth coming in and is starting to get a little cranky in the evenings but with him being so good thru the day, I am not to worried about it. He is rolling over both ways and loves to find new and exciting ways to sleep!

Love this kid!

Western Idaho Fair

This year we followed thru with our tradition of going to the fair as a farewell to summer. This year was great though knowing that it didnt mean that Will was going back to school, just Emmy.
We picked an evening and took Daniel with us. The kids and I wandered thru all the animals and veggies and crafts while Will and Dan did rides.

I love this one!

The kids really enjoyed the tent with all the information on Idaho Farmers and Ranchers.

After wandering for a while we met back up with Will to check out the petting area.

After the petting zoo the kids went on a few rides to finish out the evening.

I couldnt believe that Jake went on this ride alone. Brave Boy!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Coming soon......

I know it has been a while since I have posted..... Busy as usual with canning and getting ready for hunting season. Lots of pictures are coming. I will try to put some on this weekend so check back.