The kids have grown so much this year. Emilee has taken to Primary and loves going. She is excited to have friends to see each week. She has also been working at home with me and is more then ready to start kindergarten this year. We have been focusing on simple math and reading. She is more than willing to learn and is always asking me when it is time to read. On the recommendation of a friend we bought Learning to Read in 100 Easy Lessons and are pleased with the progress she is making. Em also got glasses this year and has been good for the most part with wearing them and keeping them safe. She is proving to be a great little helper and will be missed while she is at school! We assigned her some simple chores to do around the house and has been great about getting them done when reminded. This year we decided to forgo Ballet but she will start piano lessons with her Grandpa Allen and is very excited. She would sit all day playing notes on the piano if I would allow. I know she will excel at it and am grateful that we has such talented Grandparents to learn from.
Jake has grown up so much as well. He is starting to be an independent child like Emilee that can do it without help but is also quick to snuggle and give hugs and kisses. Jake has also been learning and is working on counting, colors, and letters. He is ready to learn everything Emmy knows and is her biggest fan! He is quick to bring a smile to everyone around him and likes to be like his Papa. We bought him some pants the other day that look like a pair of Wills pants and he informs everyone that his pants are just like Papas! He loves cars and planes and has told us that he is going to be a pilot someday.
Will is getting ready to go into his last semester at Boise State. It will be a hard and trying semester. He will continue working at Best Bath as the plant scheduler as well as taking a full load of up to 6 classes. But we can handle anything for a semester! We are very grateful that Best Bath has been so good to us over the last 5 years and very patient with Wills school schedule. But we are excited to see this school part of our life close and find where we will go next.
This year we decided to try and expand our family so I had my IUD removed and am now expecting. It was a couple of hard months with lots of morning sickness but things have been looking up and as we are moving into the second trimester I have been feeling a lot better. I am almost 16 weeks along and we are expecting June 19. The kids are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new sibling and are having fun guessing what it might be. Emilee wants a sister, no surprise there. Jake at first wanted a monkey but has now moved on to wanting a sister just like Emmy. As for me I am happy as long as the baby is healthy regardless of the sex. We are excited to see what the future will be like as a family of 5.
Our extended families continue to grow and we had the privilege of welcoming Cache Kent Green and Claire Ann Hurst to our family this year. Its nice to know that our kids will have cousins to play with around the same ages! We are grateful for all of our family and try to see them as much as possible. We have taken several trips to Pocatello this year to visit the girls and hope to be able to continue in the future. The kids love all their Aunts and Uncles and we are so fortunate to have such patient siblings that put up with all their energy and craziness.
We hope that everyone is blessed this holiday season and that the new year finds you healthy and happy! Happy New Year!

Will, Cassie, Emilee, and Jake Green
Nov 2009
Happy New Year!
Awe Cassie I love you guys!! I miss you all!
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