Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Couples Tag

What are your middle names? Jo and William

How long have you been together? almost 5 years

How long did you know each other before we started dating? 4 months

Who asked who out? We started out hanging out at group stuff

How old are each of you? Will will be 27 and I just turned 26

Do you have any children together? Emmy Jo and Jake

Did you go to the same school? No. Borah and Maranatha

Are you from the same hometown? Yes, we actually were talking the other day about how we grew up just a few miles apart and if I would of gone to public school we would of been in choir together and known each other.

Who is the smartest? Will thinks he is!

Who is the most sensitive? That one would be me.

Where do you eat out the most as a couple? At the table or couch

Where is the furthest you have traveled together as a couple?Montana

Who has the craziest ex? That would be a debate.

Who has the worst temper? William

Who does the cooking? I do, of course

Who is more social? I dont know.

Who is the neat freak? I am for sure

Who is more stubborn? That has to be a tie

Who hogs the bed? the covers would be him but the bed is me

Who wakes up earlier? Will does during the week. weekends I win

Where was your first date? I dont remember

Who has the bigger family? Will has more siblings but I have more extended family

Do you get flowers often? Sometimes

How do you spend the holidays? I like to spend them at home

Who is more jealous? neither of us

How long did it take to get serious? a few months...or maybe weeks

Who does the laundry? I do.

Who's better with the computer? Will. I am always asking him how to do things

Who drives when your together? It depends on who gets in the passenger seat first. On long trips Will drives because I am a terrible driver, but he can tolerate me for short trips.

I tag


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